This isn't a kiss-ass post or intended for people to gush over as a public love note...or whatever. It's the truth.
There was a very lengthy time in my life when I prayed for love (short pause for laughter/vomiting). Now, as ridiculous as that sounds and as stomach-turning as that statement even makes me feel, it's actually the truth. Let me back up, and spill much more personal information than is needed (I'll give you ample opportunity to judge me throughout this post).
I never had a serious girlfriend through high school, through college, or for quite a while afterwards. I always saw my parents' relationship--which is nauseatingly great--and longed for that. I wanted that with zero doubts. So at night I would have a chat with God--I don't like to call it prayer, that's way too formal. My conversations with any sort of higher power have never been robotic or rehearsed--they're just two dudes talking. I would always ask God (or whatever his/her name is) to help me out with finding the right girl. Material possessions were never on the chat list. I generally just stuck to health, family, friends, and then at the end of the chat I would throw in a little request for a girl...THE girl. That routine went on for a while.
Over the years I enjoyed a few relationships that were good, but not what I needed. I needed one with zero doubts. I experienced love, which is always nice, but it was never the right kind of love...if that makes any fucking sense.
Then through an odd series of events and conversations, I met April. April and I clicked immediately and became incredibly close. We created our own relationship. It's not my parents' relationship, it's not our sibling's or friends''s ours. We grew with each other, and became better people through our relationship. It worked and it was right.
April is now my wife. She has my daughter in her stomach.
One thing I've always told April and myself, is that I will never take her or our relationship for granted. It took a maze of events for us to cross paths. It took leaps of faith, generosity from our families, and patience to end up where we're at now. Not to mention adventure, a wicked sense of humor, and a life's agenda to have fun.
I'm ridiculously lucky to have met my wife, I understand that. My spiritual chats now have many more "thank yous" than they do "pleases". I have that connection. With zero doubts.