This afternoon, hours past the breaking news of the terroristic mass shooting at an Orlando night club, I made the mistake of looking at Facebook comments surrounding the tragedy.
I didn't become angry--angry because my political beliefs were being questioned or condemned. I became sad--sad that so many people are fucking idiots. What happened was a terror attack on Americans, fueled by hatred. While reading the Facebook comments, I witnessed hateful attacks, as well...Americans vs Americans. Few attacks were well thought out, educated, or really even legible. Also sad.
I am not an extremist left or right. I agree and disagree with parts of both political agendas. That's really all you need to know about me and my thoughts on politics.
What happened in Orlando is terrible, clearly. Over 50 people slaughtered by a high-powered assault rifle. How do we prevent that? How do we prevent this from happening, seemingly every other week?
Do we educate the non-gun masses on firearms and encourage more people to carry weapons to defend themselves and others? Is that the right answer? Seeing as how bad guys are going get their hands on high-powered weapons anyway, we might as well all carry guns to fight back, right? That's what they did in the wild west...that's what the good guys do in movies...
Do the Liberals go door-to-door and collect all the weapons? Everbody's weapons? In reading the Facebook comments today, that seems to be imminent. Not sure where this notion came from, to be honest. Don't think our President knows how the rumor started either. I'm just some guy with no proof of anything, but I really don't think this scenario is going to happen.
Does the government put restrictions on gun ownership? Meaning, making it more difficult for your average asshole to walk into Cabela's or the Tanner Gun Show and purchase an AR-15? These average assholes I speak of are the ones who gun down mass Americans, not the ones who buy the guns to shoot targets and add to their collections of firearms. The NRA clearly does not like this solution.
I have my opinions, but I am not going to divulge them here. Because anyone that voices their opinion publicly on this gun subject is asking for a fight. More guns...less guns...America isn't that safe feeling right now, and I would like for that to change.