Well we're moving on up! To the North side! Yes, my lovely fiance' and I are in the process of buying a house in the middle of suburbia. Broomfield, Colorado to be exact. I'm ready for it. I feel like I'm past the point in my life where I need to rent a place to live. We're both ready for ownership. And in this market, it's hard to pass up.
And I have to admit, I'm not allowing myself to get overly excited. Why, you ask? Our sellers. They have been less than accommodating. I won't get into the anti-negotiating details, but let's just say April and I haven't let our guard down yet. We are still in the "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" frame of mind. But I have to say, it's starting to look like we may actually get this place. I won't be able to exhale until closing day and our names are signed on the dotted line, though.
As far as our (hopefully) future piece of Suburban America goes, I am honestly excited about it. I am excited about a house, with a yard, sprinklers, an attached garage, a dog, maybe two dogs, kids, maybe two of those too, neighbors, parks, soccer, and a rec center. I don't think I'll take it to the point of a white, picket fence, minivan, and PTA board member, but I am looking forward to a new chapter.
I'm all growsed up.
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