Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Random Action Jackson.

Just a few random thoughts that came to me while in the shower. The shower is where I do almost all of my solid thinking...

* Bullet points. Since we're consumed with work, might as well use the ever-businessy bullet points. Unfortunately, on this blogspot site, I can't figure out how to make them look clean and professional. Kind of fitting, I suppose.

* Back to the shower... There aren't too many places that I love more than the shower. Aside from the soothing, meditational rain on my back, nearly scalding my skin, I think the most definitive part of the shower, as far as inducing solid, constructive thinking, is the fact that nobody can fuck with me in the shower. There are no phones or email. Even if my wife screams something from downstairs at me, I just ignore her. This is my 15 minutes of solitude a day. This is where everything gets done.

I feel sorry for people that don't shower. I understand the very Coloradian point of view of "Use Only What You Need" in a wasting water sense. But I need that water. It's the most important part of the day. That's probably why most everyone in Colorado stinks. Damn hippies...

* I am quickly growing tired of screens. I spend just about every waking moment of every day in front of some sort of screen--as do a lot of you, I'm assuming. (Ironic, huh? I'm bitching about screens by typing on a screen.) Whether it's a phone or computer screen to accomplish a day's work...or an iPod, iPad, or TV to relax, there's always a screen present.

I try to think back to when I had my first office job and how in the hell work got done without computers. Back in the mid-nineties I remember having a computer at my desk, but it was for creating graphs and charts and shit. No email, no IM, no Skype, nothing even close to that. Everything was done through telephone, fax, and face-to-face meetings. I remember hating those office days about as much as I hate these office days. That probably has more to do with my dislike for offices, office work, office sayings, bullet points, and people in general, though. "Dude, you're such a whiny little bitch." "Yea, I hear that a lot."

Bottom line on the screen speech: I need to relax on them. It's hurting my eyes and making me disappointed in myself. More staring at a tree--not a digital image of a tree on one of my 11 screens (shitty example. Sorry.).

* It's snowing. I don't really care for snow. I don't ski, snowboard, sled, make snow angels, participate in snowball fights, or build igloos. I don't enjoy shoveling snow, driving in snow, scraping snow from my windshield, or pushing cars out of ditches filled with snow. It's kind of pretty, but that's pretty much where it starts and ends with me. It is better than ice, which is what I left in Missouri. It doesn't snow there, it ices. I just want to be a snowbird (I think that's the correct term...) who lives in the Keys for four months out of the year. I'm going to work on that.

* Dokken Day 2.0 is quickly approaching. I haven't hyped it near as much this time around as I did in 2010. Not to make excuses, but I've been very preoccupied with making sure I stress out as much as I possibly can due to work. That's had me pretty busy. But don't you worry--I'll be there with my leather trench coat (Oops! Did I spoil the surprise?) and clean pipes for hitting those high notes.

* What is it, twelve days until pitchers and catchers report? God, I hate sports in February. April and I went to a Nuggets game last night, which was actually pretty fun, aside from me dwelling on work-related garbage all night (may need to start medicating myself). We got there late and left early--and certainly didn't pay for the tickets--but enjoyed ourselves. Not sure who won. Don't care.

I heart baseball.


* Lately, I've been thinking fairly deeply about happiness. There's a real good chance that we've only got one ride on this train. Corny sounding, but you get it. I'm not interested in spending any of that time unhappy. It's time wasted. Whatever you can do to ensure that you and your loved ones are happy throughout this lifetime is what needs to be done. At least for me it does. And that includes making sacrifices, I'm afraid. I'm guilty of getting caught up in my own happiness that sometimes I forget that I need to make other people happy, too. Well, just the important ones.

I won't get too deep into that now.

I've got to run downstairs and get a fresh cup of coffee. Maybe that will help me out of this extremely "gray" mood.


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