Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good Things.

Man, on my way to work today I had a ton of inspiration. I could've written for hours upon hours.

But now, I just feel like staring at fire and thinking about things that I really like. Like this...

I love the smell of bacon. If you don't, you're a communist. It reminds me of my grandparents camper...that's what we had every morning for breakfast on the river. My Granny has probably eaten more bacon than the entire city of Denver combined. And she's 94.

I just heard a skateboard rolling down the sidewalk. The sound of four urethane wheels screaming down the street is the sound of freedom. When you are 15 and start questioning authority, normality, and conformity, skateboarding is a way to express your creativity and independence. When I hear wheels, I get cold chills because it brings back a time of total freedom...and total comradary. That is when me and my buddies grew up. And I miss it dearly.

How can someone not love to stare at fire? It is so relaxing and so spiritual. Right now, it's entertaining me, keeping me warm, and it just cooked my jalapeno cheeseburgers. Thank you fire. I wish I could return the favor, but I'm just some guy.

I have always loved sunrises and sunsets. Everyone does. But I didn't realize how Godly there were until I moved to Colorado and saw the sun shine on the peaks, or dip down behind them. They are filled with colors that Missouri has never seen. Don't worry, I still love ya Missouri.

The trout is an amazing creature that is one with the river. They don't lumber, they aren't clumsy, and they aren't dumb. They are very respectable creatures. It's almost as if the river has created the trout...and actually, I guess it has. Trout live in beautiful places, which is one of the reasons that I love them. And they compliment their surroundings. Trout are intelligent animals, particular and educated about what they eat. Every trout that I catch, I take just a moment to admire it's beauty...and then I thank it before I release it. Sometimes I win, sometimes they win. But in the end we all live.

I like to stare at the stars and try to comprehend just how far away they are. And then think about just how enormous the universe is. And then think about how tiny the earth is in comparison. And then just how minuscule that me, living in my little house is. And then I think that although I am such a speck, such a dot, that I am still significant. That is for a reason. So whatever it is that you believe in, keep believing in long as it's good.

I am so happy that I have love. It is an incredible feeling that makes you want to smile everyday. A few years back, I was content with being single. I'm a spiritual sort, so I have love for many things. I could have honestly said that I had felt love. I'm a lucky guy to have a love and respect for the mountains, oceans and stars. I am incredibly thankful that I have the absolute best family that any of you could ever fathom. But not until I met my wife did I experience the strongest love of all. (Jeez, sounds like a Whitney Houston song. ) I'm a lucky bastard, that's all I'm sayin'.

You know, I've been getting annoyed at work lately and finding myself being a bit on the grumpy side. But none of it matters. It's all little shit. There are two rules in life...First rule is: Don't sweat the little shit. Second rule is: There ain't no second rule.


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