Thursday, August 6, 2009

Flying Monkey + Bullet Boys = Happy Earl

Ok, so couple years ago when I lived in K.C., April worked with a lady whose husband was a brewer. In fact, he owned his own brewery call Flying Monkey Brewery. It's tasty beer! Anyway, we found out that his brewery was really close to our apartment in Olathe and that he gave tours every second Saturday of the month. So, come the second Saturday of the particular month in which this story is being told, April and I decide to give this little beer factory a whirl and hopefully get a couple cold, tasty one's to kick off the weekend.

We finally find this modest little warehouse around 11am and walk up to the door ready to introduce ourselves as "The Girl Who Works With Your Wife and her boyfriend". I open the door to a surprisingly well furnished tasting room, see a guy with mullet-ish ponytail down his back, listening to very loud 80's rock, and slinging beers to everyone walking within a five foot radius of him. After April does the aforementioned intro, I comment, "You're listening to the Bullet Boys! Alright!". He follows by retorting, "Fuckin' A, Man! Not many people know the Bullet Boys! Wanna beer?"

Not many people are me...and yes, I would like a beer.

This fellow ends up being the owner of Flying Monkey Brewery. We obviously immediately make friends with him...given the swell taste in vintage 80's rock he prefers, and commence to sampling every beer on tap...several times.

Before we know it, every other customer has left, the doors are locked, we are blasting the sound system, and he is pouring us three beers at a time!

After some fantastic conversation, some loud, beer drinking music, and Jesus knows how many was 6pm. And time to go.

We exchange pleasantries, April and I "rock, paper, scissors-it" for who's driving, and off we go to Popeye's for some much needed grease to get a head start on curing our inevitable next-morning hangover.

Robert, owner of Flying's to you! A Weekly 80's Metal Video dedicated just to you. It's of course, Bullet Boys' "Smooth Up In Ya".

The video itself sucks. They're basically just playing in an abandoned warehouse with no chicks. With a name like "Smooth Up In Ya", you gotta have some chicks!

But a remarkable song nonetheless.

Enjoy, my friends.

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